Lâm Sơn, Spiritual Connection, The Happiness of Life, Rosemead

To: Grand Founder Master Dasira Narada
Grand Secondary Founder Narada Mahathera
Master Nguyen Duc Thuan
Master Nguyen Ngoc Hai
All UHBE disciples

When I decided to join UHBE, I had a wish that everyone in the world would have the same benefit like me, to be UHBE disciple and to get the benefits from the Grand Founder Master.

That’s why I am very happy to see a lot of people today in the Dasira Narada Birthday Celebration. I can see the joy and the happiness on everyone.
I am very impressed to see the development of UHBE which was built up by the great effort of the two Masters who have sacrificed all their lives to teach and organize for every meditation center in the whole world. I really feel pitiful for anyone who had left UHBE

Our Grand Founder Master!
The two masters, by the will of God, are like God-messengers with great hearts and great deeds who possess the Truth knowledge and morality to develop UHBE which to help healing several patients in the world. They only can do it by the qualities of goodness and by the good deeds that they had had by several previous lives.

With these qualities, they also had chance to learn thoroughly the TRUTH from Grand Founder Master and principles of Buddhist. They have included them all into the dharma speeches for all disciples. The Profound Wisdom (Minh Triết) that they have taught us is like the good smelling scent that spreads out far away. It got over the barrier of superstition and absorb into the perception of all disciples. It builds the spiritual bridge to connect human beings with sacred beings, compassion connection among us, masters and disciples. By that connection, our minds have been awakened. When we are awakened, we realize that our lives are almost over. When we got out of delusion, we realize the true value of human lives.

If I did not have chance to learn about the superb dharma method of Grand Founder Master, to learn about the Truth, maybe I would have wasted my life. That’s really the truth happiness for me. There are verses:
The quality of virtue, accord with the will of god, spreads out the true method
(ĐỨc Phẩm Vang LỪng Thuận Thiên Truyền Chánh Pháp)

Bright Gem shines all seas to initiate spirituality
(Ngọc Sáng Soi Tứ Hải Khởi Phát Tâm Linh)

(Virtue : Đức, accord with = Thuận - the name of master Đức Thuận).
(Gem = Ngọc, Sea = Hải - the name of master Ngọc Hải)

I have known that by the mind of a regular human being, I only can learn part of the sea of knowledge from the Grand Founder Master.

I have learnt that we are living in the period of degeneration and extinction by the Buddha Mantra (mạt pháp), people are living in the world of war, chaos, disasters, sickness. But most of them are still indulging themselves in the circle of live and death, still collecting more money and property which are just the delusions of life and hence, they would, by chance, make more troubles, more mistakes and sins which would cover their original true natures (chân ngã).

Fortunately! We have seen our masters and UHBE. UHBE is the very last saving method for whom, by interdependence, destined to be UHBE cultivators. These are people who really want to cultivate, to change and improve their minds in order to make themselves advancing and matching into the new epoch, the new cycle of universe.

UHBE is not a religion, but a dharma method which brings good deeds and love to everyone on the steps of advancing to the higher level of realms.

For now, after years of following the two masters to cultivate without any doubt, I still feel that I am very weak and childish on the path of cultivating. I only know that by the bright teachings of masters, I have to try harder, step by step to walk on the way of evolution of bodhisattva.

All dharma teachings of masters are like the sound of bell ringing to remind and keep me awake for daily meditation in my life.

By interdependence, after thousand times of lives.

I still can find Profound Analytic doctrine of Buddhist canon

Everything happens by conditioning cause (Duyên):
- Cause to be parents, cause to be masters and disciples, cause to be disciples in the same school
- Cause to be siblings, cause to be spouses.
I wonder if we can still have chance or conditioning of cause to see one another in our next lives. This thought makes my heart broken!
The wheel of evolution is still spinning. There is nothing I can do better than that I would like to send all my love to everyone that I have seen and lived together in this life by conditioning cause.

I would try to cultivate harder by the best of my effort to get over all obstacles. I wish in this life, I can be led and taught by the two masters so I can be cleared of myself ‘mountains as the real mountains’, ‘the rivers as the real rivers (no delusions)’. Real mountains or real rivers (obstacles) would not affect to my mind.
I also wished, in the rest of my life, to bring more happiness to people!

Lâm Sơn,
Rosemead Center.


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